Siete Amigos Staff
July 17, 2024
Marijuana laws are changing at a rapid pace across all U.S. territories and 50 states, making things a bit confusing at times. To keep up with the ever-changing laws, we have provided the following chart for information on legalization, medical use, recreational use, and anything in between.
It’s important to understand and respect the rules that vary across the U.S. regarding marijuana use, and whether you’re a visiting tourist or a resident the following information will help you steer clear of any misunderstandings or trouble. A few comments about our chart:
• The status reflects current laws only and does not include pending legislation or future dates upon which marijuana may become available medicinally or recreationally. States with legislation that has passed but has a future enactment date are marked with an asterisk *.
• CBD oil can be made with or without THC. This chart specifically refers to CBD Oil with THC as an ingredient. CBD oil with THC is illegal in states marked as “Fully Illegal”.
• All “statuses” are subject to state limits. E.g., CBD Oil may only be legal to 0.5% THC or marijuana may only be legal to one ounce. Please consult state laws for specific details.
Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes only and not as legal advice or opinion. The reader retains full responsibility for the use of the information contained herein. Employers or employees seeking a determination of legal rights should seek the counsel of an attorney or designated official of the applicable regulating agency.
Last Updated: July 3, 2024